Monday, April 26, 2010

Clothing Line

I don't know if me or Ace mentioned this but as far as our music career goes, we have a clothing line as well. The name of the clothing line is "D.N.A." (DRE "n" ACE) and we have been working on it for some time. We are in the process of making it,but since we are trying to make a mix tape, we kind of set this aside. We're starting to get the clothing line up and running again! Hopefully it would be coming soon so you guys will have something else to look forward to.

On Its Way!!!

Yes as you may know "The End OF Forever" is officially in progress. As well as "Appreciate the wait" mix tape. Ace has gotten some new equipment for the recording so be ready to hear greatness! On the other note, I have found someone to make some beats for me. I'm not calling it official business yet because I need to see how serious he his,but its a start. If you're not on business you're not on anything! So I'm still searching for a legit producer.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Small Things

This is another one of those small things you have to enjoy. I'm writing and drinking,and when all you do is write, and research abnormal thoughts come to mind.


Artist: Jabo Marchay <----click here
Talent: Raps/Sings
Influences: Tupac Shakur, favors T.I

Song is Crack

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Producer Wanted!

Dre again. Well as you all may know, I am officially working on my mix tape "The End Of Forever". The progress is going swimmingly and I've been getting good thoughts and words about it. Ace has been helping me and supporting me with my mix tape, as i am with his. I am going to be recording soon, and i will be putting it on Face Book so people can give me some feedback about it so far. Currently, I am looking for a producer to make some beats for me. I am fully committed about this, and I stay on business, so I'm looking for a producer that can give me the same effort. If there is such a producer , PLEASE contact me on face book, look on Ace's face book friends list and look for me, I have my DRE logo in Black and White. From there we can get some business started.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Just shot the first segment of ACETV, check it out. You can also click on the image of ACETV on the right of the home page and it will take you straight to YouTube to watch more segments when released. Stay tuned

(I'm an artist,not just a poet,I write full songs....)

Friday, April 16, 2010


Hello, my name is Dre. I'm the brother of Ace. My brother and I have been working together on multiple things for as long as I can remember. My brother and I are two very talented rapper/singers who are really looking to put forward, and take our music career to the next level. It is often said that Ace reminds people of the new music artist "Drake" because of his looks, singing talent, rapping abilities, and his choice of wardrobe. I on the other hand, am often compared to the well known rapper "Lil Wayne" because of my appearance, rapping style, attitude, and wardrobe. It is funny that we are often compared to Drake and Lil Wayne, because these are the very two men who inspire Ace and I to do what we are doing now. Though Lil Wayne is my #1 inspiration, my brother is the one who inspired me to the music career because of his amazing talent. Ace has known and looked up to Drake before anyone even knew who Drake was. My brother is a very talented young man, and is looking forward to people listening to his music. Though he is looking forward to linking with the rapidly growing hip hop group "Young Money",he doesn't really care about the money or the fame. He just want to be recognized as a great music artist who worked hard for something he loves.


People can look forward to hearing more of Ace and his music, you can also look forward to Ace's other projects such as his new mix tape "Appreciate The Wait" that he has been working on for some time now. It's going to be coming soon so please be patient. So far I have heard a little taste of "The Wait" and as far as AMAZING goes, all of you Ace supporters have a lot of stuff in store for you. Also, be sure to look out for Aces other project "ACE TV", starring Ace and Me, where you will be able to see his interaction with our family, and look at Ace's life and what he does when he's not on the mic. I am working on a mix tape also called "The End of Forever", so stay tuned.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Small Things

I'm still working on the songs for Appreciate The Wait. Last night I was writing, and in my head all I could think about was I need to relax. Today I had to make sure I got a bag of my favorite candy, and when I got home I just realized that you have to enjoy the small things in life

(New Member helping out to keep it live.... shout out to the bro Dre)

Sunday, April 4, 2010